
What’s really in your makeup?


When was the last time you looked at the ingredients list on your makeup products? It’s estimated that roughly 85% of all women wear at least one type of makeup, some of whom wear up to ten different types. While they are capable of improving the complexion and tone of your skin, makeup products often contain toxins and other harsh ingredients that could be doing more harm than good. So before you apply your makeup tomorrow morning, you may want to check the ingredients to see what it really contains.

According to a recent study conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) one in eight cosmetic chemicals approved for use in the U.S. consist of carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins, and/or hormone disruptors. Furthermore, the average time of approval for cosmetic chemicals is just three weeks, which isn’t nearly long enough to conduct thorough safety tests.

The EWG added by saying that more than a third of all cosmetic products contain at least one carcinogen. “More than one-third of all personal care products contain at least one ingredient linked to cancer. When risky and unstudied chemicals are used in cosmetics, the stakes can be high — unlike trace contaminants in food or tap water, chemicals in cosmetics are base ingredients,” wrote the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in its report. So just because a makeup product is sold in a major department store doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s safe. It could contain several potentially harmful chemicals, ranging from cancer-causing carcinogens to neurological disruptors.

Here are some of the most common toxins and harmful chemicals found in makeup products:

  • Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)
  • P-phenylenediamine (hair dye product)
  • DEA
  • Formaldehyde
  • Hydroquinone
  • Lead
  • Oxybenzone
  • Mercury
  • Sodium lauryl
  • Talc
  • Toluene
  • Triclosan

Does this mean you should stop wearing makeup? Not necessarily, but you should take a proactive approach towards knowing what’s inside your cosmetic and beauty products before applying them to your skin. Try to get into the habit of reading the ingredients list on makeup products before you buy them. Look for any of the ingredients listed above, and if you see them, avoid buying the product.

Additionally, remember to remove your makeup before going to bed. Even if it doesn’t contain any toxic ingredients, sleeping with your makeup still on will clog your pores and promote the formation of acne.

Lana has a great collection of skincare products. Call now to order (650) 947-4004